Get Salesforce Entity

Get Salesforce Entity


This processor is responsible for searching Salesforce for an object that matches the external identifier obtained in the earlier step.


Note: If Contacts do not need to be searched this processor can be commented out.


Configuration is done in the S4SAnalytics.config configuration file.

<!-- Processor to retrieve a Salesforce object that matches the external identifier.
     NOTE: If Contacts do not need to be searched this processor can be commented out.
           If a Salesforce object is not found then processing will move to the next processor in the pipeline to enable searching of multiple object types.
           If a matching Salesforce object has already been found the processor will not run. -->
<processor type="FuseIT.S4S.WebToSalesforce.Pipelines.ResolveXdbContactFromSalesforce.GetSalesforceEntity, FuseIT.S4S.WebToSalesforce">
  <!-- The type of Salesforce object to search for a match to the external identifier. -->
  <!-- The field on the Salesforce object that contains the value of the external identifier to be matched against the value passed in the query string parameter. -->
  <!-- The list of fields to be returned with the matching Salesforce object. -->
  <Fields hint="list:AddField">
SalesforceObjectTypeThe name of the Salesforce object to search for the matching external identifier.
SalesforceExternalIdentifierFieldThe name of the Salesforce field on the object that will be used to match against the external identifier obtained in the previous step.
FieldsA list of fields to be brought back when a matching object is found. These fields need to include those needed to update the Sitecore facets and to be able to identify the xDB contact.  

Next Step

Resolve xDB Contact
