Install Security Connector for Leads (Optional)

Install Security Connector for Leads (Optional)


You can create, view, edit, or delete records belonging to Salesforce leads, contacts, accounts or any other object from a Sitecore portal page. The Sitecore page is only accessible after visitors login to the website using a login control. Installing the Security Connector for Leads option allows privileged customers, employees, partners, or any other entity, represented in Salesforce as Leads, to login to your Sitecore website using credentials stored in their Lead record.

  IMPORTANT: The Security Connector requires a login control on your website.

IMPORTANT: It is more common to use the Security Connector for Contact option.

The Security Connector for Leads is only required if you want visitors to log into the Sitecore website using credentials stored in a Salesforce lead record. The Security Connector overrides the ASP.NET membership provider so user data is stored in Salesforce but appears in Sitecore under the “salesforce” domain name. After installing this option it is possible to control the visitors Sitecore role, user profile, landing page and more, directly from Salesforce. 


IMPORTANT: The connector has a number of install options and some may not be necessary for your requirements.

These wiki pages cover the installation steps needed to install and configure the optional FuseIT S4S Security Connector. 

The FuseIT S4S Security Provider is distributed as a Sitecore Package and also requires a package to be installed into Salesforce. 

Modifications of Configuration Files

It is assumed that the modifications to the configuration files have already been made for authenticating against a Salesforce Contact.

Next Step (Optional)

Install Security Connector in Salesforce for Leads
