Configure Multiple Salesforce Orgs

The S4S Sitecore Form module can be configured to submit data to multiple Salesforce Orgs on a form-by-form basis.

You can add additional S4S connection strings with unique names that must follow the pattern:

S4S:user id=<user_name>;password=<user_password>
S4S:user id=<user_name>;password=<user_password><user_security_token>
S4S:user id=<user_name>;password=<user_password>;token=<user_security_token>
S4S:user id=<user_name>;password=<user_password>;environment=<binding_environment>

An example of a Sitecore website that connects to multiple Salesforce orgs:

<!-- the 'primary' connection strings -->
<add name="S4SConnString" connectionString="S4S:user;password=mypassword;environment=DeveloperEdition" />
<add name="S4SConnStringUI" connectionString="S4S:user;password=mypassword;environment=DeveloperEdition" />

<!-- additional connection strings -->
<add name="S4SConnStringOtherOrg" connectionString="S4S:user;password=otherpassword;environment=DeveloperEdition" />
<add name="S4SConnStringAnotherOrg" connectionString="S4S:user;password=anotherpassword;environment=DeveloperEdition" />

You can add user friendly names to display in the UI for the above connections strings as app setting in S4SMappings.config as follows.

<setting name="S4SConnString" value="Default Org"/>
<setting name="S4SConnStringOtherOrg" value="Other Org"/>
<setting name="S4SConnStringAnotherOrg" value="Another Org"/>

"name" refers to the actual connection string name and "value" refers to the display connection string name.

S4SMappings.confg can be found in App_Config\Modules\S4S\ .

The S4S Sitecore Form Mapping Wizard and Bulk Analytics Updater will automatically process the extra connection strings.

Next Step

Create New Sitecore Experience Form With S4S Submit Action
