S4S Save to Salesforce Submit Action

S4S Save to Salesforce Submit Action

This submit action is available beginning with S4S versions 2.1021.22192.

The S4S Save to Salesforce submit action is available as an alternative to the S4S Generic Submit Action. In general, it performs the same task with some added features:

  • All configuration is on the submit action properties within the Form designer.

  • Allows multiple instances on the same form to create or update different objects.

  • Provides a mechanism to relate objects to each other.

  • Each submit action can connect to a different Salesforce instance, even on the same form.

  • Mapping option to avoid overwriting existing values.

  • The same form field can be mapped to multiple Salesforce fields.

  • Conditional execution.

Add to form

Add the S4S Save to Salesforce submit action to the submit button. Create one for each object that should be created or updated in Salesforce. If multiple objects are to be related, add the submit action for the master record first.

Salesforce connection details

Choose the connection from the configured S4S connection strings, and the object to be created or updated. Leads and Contacts may optionally have an object owner specified.

Field mapping

Add a mapping for each form field whose value should be copied to Salesforce.

  • Do not overwrite: when updating an existing Salesforce object and this box is checked, S4S will not copy the form value if the existing Salesforce value is not empty.

  • Matching rule: check this box for all fields that should be used to matching an existing Salesforce object. If none are checked, a new object will always be created.

  • Save file uploads as attachments: this will appear if the form has file upload fields. Check to upload the file(s) to Salesforce as attachments to the specified object.

Sitecore Analytics

The Push Sitecore Analytics enables S4S Analytics on form submission. This has the same effect as the original submit action, see mapping wizard options.

If analytics is enabled you may also set Sitecore Personal Information and Email facets from the form submission values. Select the fields to use here (optional).

Optional settings

  • Store saved object Id in form field: allows saving the Id of the Salesforce object created or updated in a field on the form. Generally used in conjunction with a hidden field to temporarily store the value for use by subsequent submit actions. This can be mapped by another S4S Save to Salesforce submit action to relate objects, or used by a Sitecore Save Data or Redirect to Url submit action for custom functionality.

  • Map to Salesforce Campaigns: available for Leads and Contacts only, add the Lead or Contact to a Campaign.

  • Abort form submission if Save to Salesforce fails: will cancel form submission and stop any further submit actions from being processed if an error occurs.


Each submit action may execute conditionally. If conditions are specified then the submit action will only run when they evaluate to TRUE, otherwise the submit action will do nothing. This caters for scenarios such as creating different objects depending on form choices, or only creating for a subset of submissions.

Multiple conditions are allowed with OR/AND matching.