Check Profile Settings for Leads
Check Profile Settings for Leads
Check the new Profile Settings have been added into the web.config, by saving the file and logging into Sitecore Admin to check that they are all showing.
Follow the instructions in Extending the Sitecore profile item template section to verify they are there and add any that do not appear.
Next Step
Extending the Sitecore Profile Item Template for Leads
- Adding a Salesforce Domain for Leads
- Configuring ASP.NET Security Providers for Leads
- Configuring the Switching Providers for Leads
- Configuring the Membership Provider for Leads
- Configuring the Role Provider for Leads
- Configuring the Profile Provider for Leads
- Extending the Sitecore Profile Item Template for Leads
- Configuring UniqueKeyProperty for Leads (Optional)
- Configuring UniqueKeyCaseSensitiveProperty for Leads (Optional)