Adding a Salesforce Domain for Leads

Open the App_Config/Security/Domains.config file and add the following line to the domains element:

<!-- The defaultProfileItemID should be the Item ID for /sitecore/templates/System/Security/SalesforceLead from the core database -->
<domain name="salesforceLead" ensureAnonymousUser="false" defaultProfileItemID="{6A26B11F-E474-40F3-BD79-E3063D97797F}" />

Verify the defaultProfileItemID

The defaultProfileItemID attribute defines the profile item that will be used for users from the domain if the profile is not set for the user explicitly. Verify that this GUID is correct by switching to the Sitecore core database and using the Content Editor to check the SalesforceLead profile Item Id from:

/sitecore/system/Settings/Security/Profiles/SalesforceLead (see following figures)

This value should match the defaultProfileItemID in the domain config above.

Switch to the Core Database

Get the Item ID GUID for the SalesforceLead Profile using the Content Explorer. This value should match the defaultProfileItemID in the domain config.

Next Step

Configuring ASP.NET Security Providers for Leads
