Testing a New or Updated Installation

Testing a New or Updated Installation

IMPORTANT: Changing config files in production can restart the website which may cause visitors to see error screens and lose session information

The following steps can be used to verify the installation:

  1. Update the Sitecore logging to capture debug level messages in the sitecore.config. This step can be reverted after the installation has been verified.

    		<priority value="ALL"/>

    Alternatively S4S provides a separate logging configuration file which should be located at:


    Rename this file to remove the '.disabled' extension. By default it creates a separate file for S4S debug logging, see the config for more information.

  2. Restart the IIS Sitecore application pool.
  3. Go to your Sitecore home page.
  4. Review the Sitecore log for errors or warnings being issued by S4S at start-up. The Salesforce security providers will be initialized at start-up if they are configured.
  5. If you get an Exception in the web browser or in the log then refer to the Frequently Asked Questions and Trouble Shooting section.
  6. Restore the Sitecore Logging level as changes in step 1.

If you have added or updated your FuseIT license key within the S4SLicense.xml file and it is still not being recognised by Sitecore you may need to reset your IIS Application pool and the IIS Sitecore web application. If you have an Expired License message (when pointed at Salesforce production) you need to obtain a new S4S evaluation version or license from FuseIT.

FuseIT SFDC Explorer

This free developer tool is a Windows application that uses the S4S engine to connect with Salesforce. As well as offering many useful features, it is ideal to verify your connection credentials to Salesforce. 

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