S4S Fast Install - Bare Minimum

S4S Fast Install - Bare Minimum

Go to the following links to install bi-directional connectivity without optional features (otherwise go to the Next Step at the bottom of the page):

  1. Salesforce Configuration
    1. Section: Salesforce Enterprise / Unlimited Sitecore Profile
    2. Section: Default Sitecore API User
  2. Sitecore Configuration
    1. Section: Adding Connection String
    2. Configure the Partner API Web Service
  3. Using S4S
    1. Check connectivity with the FuseIT S4S Status Page
  4. Consider optional features you may need to install

  IMPORTANT: Check your Sitecore log files for S4S errors. Ensure log4net is set for DEBUG logging when testing. Change it to a less verbose setting in production.

Next Step

Salesforce Configuration (Required)
