Field Personalization

Field Personalization

To synchronize data between a Salesforce contact or lead and the associated xDB contact the mappings between fields need to be configured. To configure the field mappings perform the following steps: 

  • On the Sitecore Personalization screen click Configure Field Mappings.

  • For each Salesforce object field to be mapped to the facet complete the following steps:
    1. Select the source Salesforce object field name.
    2. Select the corresponding target facet field name.
    3. Click the Save Field Mapping button.
  • The field mappings will affect all objects whose fields are being configured.
  • When all fields have been mapped the screen will show all mappings.

  • To synchronize all mapped fields for all instances of the object type being configured click Update All Sitecore Contacts or Update All Sitecore Leads. Clicking these buttons will iterate through all Salesforce contacts or leads that have an associated xDB contact and synchronize the mapped field data into the corresponding xDB contact facet. It is possible to synchronize the fields to xDB for only the particular Salesforce contact or lead.
  • Click Back

  • To save the fields for the particular Salesforce contact or lead to xDB click Save Fields to Sitecore.
  • Once fields have been mapped any changes to the mapped field values will cause the new values to be synchronised to the xDB facet once the Salesforce object is saved.

Next Step

Profile Personalization


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