Facet Configuration

Facet Configuration

The S4S facet uses a dictionary of string values to store data against the contact. This enables flexibility in the type of data that can be stored against the contact and used by the included personalization rules. The default installation of S4S includes several facet keys by default but you are free to delete or change these or add your own keys.

Important: Any keys with an S4S prefix are for use by S4S and should not be altered or deleted.

To add your own keys go to Sitecore » System » Modules » S4S » Facets » Facet Field Keys

To add a new key right click on the Facet Field Keys item in the content tree, select Insert and then Facet Key. Add a name for the facet key.

Enter the name of the key to be used in the facet.

Next Step

Content Personalization Rules
