Salesforce Installation

Salesforce Installation

Installation checklist

Installation Step


Installation Step


Install the Send2CRM Connector Salesforce package.

Required for all installations.

Install the Send2CRM Salesforce package.

Required for Advanced Plus & Enterprise licenses only.

Create and configure a public API Site.

Not required if using Enterprise scaling service or an OAuth-enabled API proxy.

Add website to Salesforce CORS allow list.

Required only if using a public API Site.

Assign Permission Sets.

Administrator permissions must be assigned to the default record owner if using a public API Site.

Configure scaling service or third-party API proxy.

If not using a public API Site. Scaling service available with Enterprise licenses only.

Install the Send2CRM client on the website.

Use the Send2CRM Client tab in the Salesforce app to build the script.

Site-wide configuration

After installation Send2CRM is ready for use with default settings. Optional configuration is available to fine-tune to your requirements:

All installations

Analytics only

Create form mappings

Use the Send2CRM Mapping Wizard to create mapping definitions that tell Send2CRM how to process form submissions from the website.

Configure automation

(Optional. Applies only if Analytics package installed.) Use the Send2CRM Automation Wizard to create definitions that extend Send2CRM visitor analytics functionality.