


The website must be accessed via HTTPS.

The Send2CRM client is written in JavaScript and takes advantage of facilities provided by modern web browsers. Although we make every effort to provide maximum compatibility, visitors using very old web browsers may experience reduced functionality.

Functionality can be extended with custom JavaScript. Website platforms with an easy means of client-side scripting and/or integrating with server-side functionality are likely to be able to implement advanced capabilities with less development effort.

JavaScript client

If using the Salesforce package, an administrative page is provided to assist with the client script and configuration.

The client is contained within a single minified JavaScript file. Download this file to a public location on your website, and include it on all pages by adding the following script to the HTML <head> element.

<script>(function(s,e,n,d2,cr,m){n[e]=n[e]||{};m=document.createElement('script');m.onload=function(){n[e].init(d2,cr);};m.src=s;document.head.appendChild(m);})('/path/to/send2crm.min.js?v=1.2.3', 'send2crm', window, 'send2crm.service.com', 'api-key-value');</script>

Substitute the following values:

  • ‘/path/to/send2crm.min.js’: this should be set to the location of the Send2CRM JavaScript file. The ?v=1.2.3 parameter is not required but generally eases updates as changing this value will encourage browsers to request a new copy rather than delivering from cache.

  • ‘send2crm.service.com’: the domain where the Send2CRM service is hosted, in the case of the Salesforce package this will be the public site configured for Send2CRM endpoints.

  • ‘api-key-value’: the shared API key configured for your service.