Automation Wizard

Automation Wizard

The Send2CRM automation wizard offers a convenient graphical user interface for administrators to manage automatic actions when client requests are received.

The automation wizard is used whenever a Send2CRM Automation record is created, viewed or edited.

The first pane allows editing of the overall record details:

Automation Name

Give the automation a descriptive name so you can find it later.

Action Type

Highlight Event: add a Session event to Highlights

Apply a Goal: add a Goal to the Visitor

Apply a Segment: add a Segment to the Visitor

Raise a Platform Event: trigger an event for custom handling

Tested Data Type

Form: form submissions handled by mappings

Visitor: the overall data on each visitor update

Session: an individual session/visit within a visitor update

Event: a single session event (such as page view) within a visitor update

Name Value

Segment name, Goal name, or internal event name

Numeric Value

For Goals only, the numeric value to apply

Condition Matching

AND: the automation will only run if all conditions are met

OR: the automation will run if any single condition is met


Only active automations will run.


Conditions determine when the automation should be applied. The wizard assists with adding all the different types of condition that Send2CRM supports.

See Automation Conditions or Example Conditions for more information.

More information

  • Goals and Segments applied via Form submissions are returned to the Send2CRM client rather than being saved to Salesforce immediately, which allows them to be applied for both identified and anonymous Visitors. When identified the Send2CRM client will in turn send the values to Salesforce as part of the normal Visitor sync.

  • Platform Events are a flexible option for custom actions and retrieving custom data passed through session events from the Send2CRM client. See Automation Events for more details.