Visitor Lightning Components

All Visitor-related Lightning components can be added to the record page for:

  • the Send2CRM Visitor, and/or

  • any related (identified) object such as a Lead or Contact.


The easiest way to add a complete dashboard is to use the Send2CRM Visitor Lightning Web Component. This automatically includes child components in a standard order.

To add the component:

  • Navigate to any existing record of the applicable type, and click Edit Page from the gear dropdown settings menu icon at the top right to open the Lightning App Builder.

  • We recommend placing the full component on its own tab. Select the Tabs component then click Add Tab on the sidebar. Set the new Tab Label to Custom, and enter a label such as ‘Send2CRM’ or ‘Website Visitor’.

  • Select the new tab and drag the Send2CRM Visitor component under Custom - Managed from the toolbox to the tab area.

  • Optional. In the sidebar, check to hide any components of the dashboard that don’t apply.

  • Save and activate the page.

  • Assign as Org Default.

Individual components

For further customization of the position and order, each of the components available via the Send2CRM Visitor dashboard can be added to record pages individually:

  • Send2CRM KPIs

  • Send2CRM Highlights

  • Send2CRM Activity

  • Send2CRM Segments

  • Send2CRM Goals

  • Send2CRM Sessions

  • Send2CRM Views

  • Send2CRM Ignore

Each has an individual Collapsed setting, if checked the section will be collapsed by default on page load.

When added to a record page (e.g. Lead) that does not relate to a Visitor, the component will not be visible.

Highlights component

The Highlights component has an additional configuration option to allow it to support the aggregation of data through a secondary related object. For example, you may wish to sum highlights by Account when identifying Visitors as Contacts.

  1. Add the Send2CRM Highlights component to the indirectly-related record page (e.g. Account).

  2. In the right sidebar, change the Relationship Type to “Secondary” to enable the indirect relationship.

Send2CRM will automatically aggregate all records from Visitor-identified objects (e.g. Contact) that reference the parent (e.g. Account) record.

Visitor Dashboard

The Send2CRM App tabs can be organized using the edit pencil on the right side of the tab row. The following Send2CRM tab items can be added or removed:

  • Visitor Dashboard

  • Mappings

  • Automations

  • Website Client

  • Website Debug