Custom Settings

The Send2CRM packages have a few Custom Settings. In Salesforce Setup, search for Custom Settings and note the following:


  • Email Errors To. Optionally set one or more (semi-colon separated) email addresses for Send2CRM to send a message when errors occur. See Error Emails for more information.


  • Maximum Sessions. The number of Session records to retain per-Visitor in Salesforce, defaults to 10.

  • Dashboard Guest count. The number of Guests to display in dashboard lists.

  • Dashboard day count. The number of days' data to display on the dashboard.

  • Disable Cascade Delete Visitors. Leave un-checked for automatic deletion of Visitor data when the last related parent object is deleted (e.g. Lead or Contact). Also, see cascade deletion for custom lookups.

  • Store Event Data. If checked, additional serialized Session Event data will be saved to send2crm Session Events (send2crm__s2cSessionEvents__c) records, and available from the visitor dashboard session list. If saving full event data, consider the limit in the Maximum Sessions setting to avoid saving excessive data to Salesforce. This setting is enabled by default.

  • Personalization Flow. An Autolaunched Flow to run for custom personalization.

  • Strip URL query parameters. If checked, URLs displayed in the UI output will have query parameters removed.

Organization-wide settings are automatically created with default values the first time the Send2CRM package is installed.

The Dashboard settings may be overridden per user by creating additional Custom Settings records. All other settings are always retrieved from the default/org-wide setting.

All other configuration is stored in custom mapping objects which can be managed by the Mapping Wizard.

The shared API key is encrypted and cannot be set directly via custom settings. An administrator may generate a new key on the Client Configuration tab of the Send2CRM app.