

Sitecore package

  1. Install S4S Now (version 1.0 or above) Sitecore package into your Sitecore instance.
  2. If you have CD/CM structure with a single CD server, copy all the following files (which are installed by S4SNow package) to the CD server.
  • /S4SNowService.asmx
  • /bin/FuseIT.S4SNow.dll
  • /App_Config/Modules/S4S/S4SNow.config

Salesforce package

Install the Salesforce package from - https://login.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t2v0000045cbw

You need to configure a URL (this needs to publicly accessible) or IP address of the S4S Now service in Salesforce under both Custom Settings and Security Controls (if you don’t have one already).

IMPORTANT: If you have a CD/CM structure, Salesforce callouts must be able to reach the CD server. 

Create new custom setting

Navigate to Setup » Build » Develop » Custom Settings (Salesforce Classic) or Setup » Platform Tools » Custom Code » Custom Settings (Lightning).

Click Manage in front of S4SNow Settings.

Click New to create a new setting.

Set the Name to Default.

Set the Web Service Url to the publicly accessible URL of your website(for example http://sitecoretest.fuseit.com) or an IP address which points to your website.

Authorise the URL in Remote Site Settings

If your site address already exists in the remote site setting list, you do not need to do this again.

Navigate to Setup » Administer » Security Controls » Remote Site Settings (Salesforce Classic) or Setup » Settings » Security » Remote Site Settings (Lightning).

Enter the URL or IP address set up in Custom Settings above. 

Note: This is a common area for mistake, either the address is not set up in both places, it does not match, or it is not accessible from Salesforce.

Configure S4S Personalization for S4S Now

Navigate to Setup » Build » Develop » Custom Settings (Salesforce Classic) or Setup » Platform Tools » Custom Code » Custom Settings (Lightning).

Click Manage in front of S4S Personalization Settings.

Append “FuseITAnalytics__AliasId__c” to the existing value in the Sitecore Contact Identifier Field Name field separated by a comma (‘,’).

Update Salesforce Apps

Add the S4SNow tab to the relevant Salesforce apps.

Next Step

Configure S4S Now Web Service Security
