Web Server App Upgrade

Web Server App Upgrade

Please check the T4S download Zip file provided to determin if the zip’s bin folder contains a Minor Release, where only the FuseIT T4S DLL’s are listed.
Or a Major Release where the Zip’s bin folder contains the FuseIT DLL’s as well as all the required suporting Microsoft & System DLL’s

Major Release

A major release will be provided by a zip file containing the entire web app “bin“ folder with all the required DLLs for the T4S Server.
There will be a large number of DLLs in addition to the FuseIT T4S DLLs

When upgrading the T4S Server App with a major release, follow these steps.

  • Create a backup of the T4S Server folder including web.config & bin directory.

  • Stop the IIS T4S web application.

  • Delete all files within the /bin folder & copy all the files from the new bin folder.

  • Compare the new web.config file with your current web.config file
    And copy over any new changes to your existing web.config file, while retaining your own connection strings and customizations.

  • Restart IIS Web application & test.

  • Test T4S Server by logging into Salesforce Org → Trim Tab → Login Credentials → “Test Credentials” button & wait for a response.

Minor Release

A minor release will be provided by a zip file, usually only containing a few upgraded DLLs within a “bin“ folder.

When upgrading T4S Server App with a minor release, follow these steps.

  • Create a backup of the files within the bin folder that will be replaced.

  • Copy the DLL files from the zip bin folder into the T4S Server web app bin overwriting the existing DLLs

  • Test T4S Server by logging into Salesforce Org → Trim Tab → Login Credentials → “Test Credentials” button & wait for a response.


Testing Upgrade
