Salesforce sObject & Custom sObject Configuration

Using the T4S Admin Object Settings page*, you can configure which Salesforce sObjects or custom objects T4S should interact with, and all the Content Manager properties that should be used when creating new Containers and the properties when transferring Salesforce Files and Attachments into a Container.

There is also the ability to separate object configurations by Salesforce Record Type so that each Record Type for an object has its own T4S configurations and Content Manager specification properties.

These settings are far more efficient for bulk operations, allow easy configuration and modifications, and are recommended over using code to pass in meta-data and Content Manager specification properties to the T4S Server.

The majority of the T4S Global API bulk operations are dependent on the T4S Admin Object Settings configuration for the sObject & custom objects being referenced.


Configuration Overview

A Salesforce sObject or custom object setting comprises 4 parts.

  • sObject Setting.

    • This setting will identify the sObject or custom object, and contains the generic configuration.

  • Container Properties

    • These are the settings that should be used to create or update any Content Manager Containers mapped to the sObject.

  • Trim Record Properties

    • These are the settings that should be applied to any Salesforce File or Attachment that will be associated with the sObject

  • sObject Record Type Settings

    • These are the settings that should be used for identified Record Types, that will override the default sObject settings.

    • The sObject Record Type Settings can have their own individual customised Container Properties and Trim Record properties, that should be used and override the default properties.


sObject Setting Example

This example shows how to set up T4S configuration for the Salesforce Case sObject.

From the T4S Admin Server page, click the “Related“ tab, and then click the “New” button to create the Case Setting.

Setting Form Fields



* The T4S Admin Object Settings Page is found by searching for “Trim“ within the Salesforce App Launcher menu and navigating to the T4S Admin Trim Server page. Then click on the “Related“ tab to create or edit a T4S Custom Setting record.