Salesforce T4S Prerequisites

Salesforce T4S Prerequisites

There are several Salesforce prerequisites you will need before you can configure the T4S package to work with your T4S Server.

  • Create a Salesforce Self-Signed Certificate.

    • It is recommended you use the Salesforce Org name within the certificate label, as you may need to install certs from different Salesforce Orgs into the single T4S Server.

    • It is also recommended that you select the cert key size as 4096-bit, as the cert will last for 2 years.

  • Create a Remote Site Setting of your T4S domain.

  • Create a Salesforce API Only integration user.

    • One option is to clone a profile such as the Administrator profile and set the following changes.

      • Password does not expire. (This is to stop API login attempts from failing due to expired passwords)

      • API Only

      • After development, you can further restrict the profile's security.

    • Another option is to use a Stanard profile, with permission sets to accomplish the above, while also giving the CRUD permissions to everything T4S requires in the Org.

  • Option to add your office network IP range to the Network Access Trusted IP Range.

    • This can help test access from inside your network without using the user's security token.


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