T4S Server Web.Config Settings

T4S Server Web.Config Settings

The T4S Server has a regular Web App web.config file that holds the settings for the app.

If you have an existing configured T4S web.config, then you will be able to do a file comparision to only move accross any new configuration changes.

* Required keys

App Keys

  • SMTPEnvironmentName: Provide a name to identify the server if using SMTP error email notification.

  • SMTPServerName: The SMTP Server to use

  • SMTPUserName: SMTP user name if required.

  • SMTPPassword: SMTP password for the user name if required.

  • SMTPFromEmailAddress: Email from address.

  • SMTPToEmailAddress: Email to address.

  • SMTPEnabled: Enable or disable SMTP Error emails.

  • TrimDownloadLinkTimeout: The number of minutes for a Trim Record being sent back up to Salesforce should wait before timing out.

  • TrimMaxDownloadRecordCount: Increase the maximum number of Salesforce files to retrieve at one time.

  • TrimResultsMaxPageSize: The max results page size when running a Trim Record search from Salesforce on CM TRIM Server

  • SalesforceOrgEncyptionKey: * Each Salesforce Org using this T4S Server should have the same key.

  • TrimBasicAuthentication: Default is False, as the T4S Server should connect to the CM TRIM Server over HTTPS with Windows Authentication.

  • SalesforceApiUserOnly: “False” if you want each Salesforce user context to update any Salesforce fields.
    Set to “True” if you want the API Integration Salesforce user to execute all Salesforce updates.
    i.e. If you are using a Salesforce Portal where portal users with no “edit“ or “update“ permissions cannot update T4S-related fields after calling the T4S server.

  • StopNewRecordVersions: If you are keeping copies of the original Salesforce Files within Salesforce, and you do not want any revisions of these files sent to TRIM.
    This would allow each sent Record to be finalised in TRIM, while keeping a copy within Salesforce.

  • G4SConnStringMultiOrgs: * True if more than one Salesforce Org will be connecting to this T4S Server.
    Otherwise False.

  • G4SConnString: * The single Salesforce Org API Integration User credentials, used to connect and update Salesforce.

  • G4SConnString_00DXXXXXXXXX: * If the G4SConnStringMultiOrgs is set to true, then each Salesforce Orgs API Integration user's credentials can be set individually.

    • The 00DXXXXXXX part of the key will be each Salesforce Orgs unique 15-character Organization ID

  • Log4Net

    • Set the logging level and the relative or full folder path to the T4S logging folder

  • FuseIT.G4S.SalesforceConnector

    • licenseFileLocation: * the full path to the T4S License file

  • maxRequestLength: * This sets the allowed payload size in bytes that T4S will accept from Salesforce.
    This setting should match the same value within the TRIM CM REST API web.config.
    2147483647 bytes = 2Gb

    <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.6.2" maxRequestLength="2147483647" executionTimeout="220" />
  • maxAllowedContentLength: Should match the maxRequestLength setting, as well as match the same setting in CM REST API web.config

    <security> <requestFiltering> <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="2147483647" /> </requestFiltering> </security> </system.webServer>
  • uploadReadAheadSize: * Specifies the number of bytes that a Web server will read into a buffer and pass to an ISAPI extension or module. This occurs once per client request. The ISAPI extension or module receives any additional data directly from the client. The value must be between 0 and 2147483647.
    The default value is 49152.
    Without updating this value to something larger like 1147483647 you will receive a IIS 413 error.

    To update the value:

    • Open IIS Manager

    • Select the site

    • Double click "Configuration Editor"

    • Select system.webServer and then serverRuntime

    • Modify the uploadReadAheadSize value

    • Click "Apply"


NOTE: Each T4S Server will have a short Evalution period set from the build date.
After this a T4S License key is required for the T4S Server to run.