Salesforce Lightning Web Control

T4S Salesforce package includes a Lightning Web Control DataGrid that can be added directly to a page layout, or a Tab on the page layout.


The T4S LWC DataGrid has several selective features, that will allow users to add new files, send files to Content Manager, view files from Content Manager, add new revisions, rename files, and add notes.

This LWC replaces all the functionality of previous T4S Visualforce pages in one place.



To add the LWC to a page layout, navigate to a Salesforce record where you would like the LWC added, and select “Edit Page“ from the top right Gear icon.

From the Components - Custom Mananged list, select the “T4S Records LWC Data Grid“ and drag it to the page or page Tab.

When you highlight the “T4S Records LWC Data Grid“ the available properties will be displayed.

  • Control Title
    The title is displayed above the control on the page.

  • Enable Search Filter
    Allow the Filter text box to be displayed, allowing the user to filter the displayed results.

  • Enable New File Upload
    Display the “Upload Files“ button so that the user can upload or drag files from their desktop, so they are uploaded to Salesforce, and a new Trim Record is created.

  • Enable New Version Upload
    When viewing a Trim Record details, this allows the user to upload or drag a new file version that when sent to Content Manager will create a new revision.

  • Enable Show Linked Records.
    Display Trim Records that have been uploaded elsewhere in Salesforce, and linked to the Salesforce record where the LWC is being displayed.

  • Enable TRIM Refresh
    When the LWC Data Grid is refreshed, the related Content Manager Container will be scanned, and any Records within the Container that did not originate from Salesforce will be mapped and appear within the grid. And any Alternatively Contained Records will also be displayed, but not mapped.

  • Enable TRIM Deep Dive
    When enabled, the Content Manager Container refresh will search all sub Containers below the mapped Container, and any newly discovered Records will be mapped, and Altenitvly Contained Records displayed.

  • Enable TRIM Refresh on Page Load
    Scan the related Content Manager when the page is first loaded.
    Note, that this may cause a delay in page load time.

  • Linked ID Field API Name
    If the LWC Data Grid is displayed on a Salesforce record page layout that is not mapped to a Content Manager Container, but there is a relationship on the record to a sObject or custom object, then the relationship API Name can be entered.
    This will allow the full functionality of the “T4S Records LWC Data Grid“ to be used on a related record.
    i.e. Allow new File uploads, display Trim Record details, view the Records, etc. on the related page layout.

  • Grid Page Size
    The number of rows before the paginating controls appear.