Salesforce T4S User Permissions

Any Salesforce User or Salesforce process that directly or indirectly uses T4S, will require permissions within Salesforce to the T4S managed package objects and T4S APEX classes.

The T4S package includes a generic example Permission Set, that can be used as a base or example to create your own custom Permission Sets.

There are typically 3 types of Salesforce users that will require different permissions and therefore different Permission Sets.


When copying an existing Permission Set, or after a T4S package upgrade, please check that all new T4S object fields introduced have been includded within the Permission Set, so that users have access to them when the SOQL queries are run.


  • API Integration Users (Salesforce User assigned to the T4S Server web.config)

    • The T4S installed “Trim Custom Settings“ Permission Set can be copied without much modification for API Integration users.

    • This type of user should have:

      • View All and Modify All on the “Trim Records“ object.

      • View All on all other T4S objects

    • The API Integration Users profile should have “Password Never Expires“ checked so that the communication between Salesforce and T4S does not unexpectedly stop.
      ”API Only User” is enabled, so the Integration User cannot log in through the website.

    • On a typical T4S package installation, the Administrator Profile will have access to all the T4S Tabs, custom objects, and Tabs.

    • Include the required field-level access to any custom fields added to any of the T4S-managed package objects.

  • Generic Salesforce User (custom Org User)

    • On the various User Profiles for your regular Users, make sure the custom Tab “Trim“ is hidden so a non-Admin user cannot modify your T4S Trim configuration.

    • A copy of the installed “Trim Custom Settings“ Permission Set is usually ok, or you can customise it as you deem appropriate.

  • Community Experience & Site Users

    • If any external Communities or Sites users interact with T4S functionality, they will need read access to all of the T4S objects and fields, and create permissions for “Trim Record Links“, “Trim Records“ and “Trim Settings Containers“.

    • External User Permissions are limited and enforced by Salesforce, so it’s best to try and give them as many permissions as Salesforce will allow.

New T4S fields added to the “Trim Record“ object since managed package version 2.0

  • ContentDocumentId
    API Name: fuseit_t4s__ContentDocumentId__c

  • Edit State
    API Name: fuseit_t4s__Edit_State__c

  • File ContentSize
    API Name: fuseit_t4s__File_ContentSize__c

  • File CreatedBy
    API Name: fuseit_t4s__File_CreatedById__c

  • File Created Date
    API Name: fuseit_t4s__File_CreatedDate__c

  • File Modified Date
    API Name: fuseit_t4s__File_ModifiedDate__c

  • File Size
    API Name: fuseit_t4s__File_ContentSize_Label__c

  • Processing Status Count
    API Name: fuseit_t4s__ProcessingStatusCount__c