Salesforce T4S Server Configuration.

To create a T4S Trim Connection for the Salesforce Org, search for “Trim” from the top left menu

Search for “Trim“

From the Trim view, create a New Trim Service record.

  • Provide a descriptive Trim Name.

    • This can be helpful when looking through the T4S Server logs when multiple Sandbox Orgs are pointing to the same T4S Server

  • Trim Default Container URI

    • This is the TRIM Unique ID for a Container that will be used for any T4S Trim Records that are sent to the Content Manager and do not have any targeted Container information at the time of the transfer.

  • Client Certificate Name

    • This is the name of the Self-Signed server certificate created earlier

    • This certificate will need to be installed on the server that T4S Server is running on.

  • Handle Deletion.

    • Deprecated

    • “Delete Nothing“ is the default, and T4S v2.25 will no longer support any delete operation within Content Manager.

  • User Service API

    • Should always be set to true, as the older TRIM SOAP Service is no longer supported.

  • Enable Scheduling

    • Set to true to enable scheduling of Trim Records to CM TRIM.

    • You will need to use the T4S Scheduler page to set up the scheduler frequency.

  • Trim Server Address

    • This is the full domain name for your internal Content Manager TRIM REST API

    • The T4S Server will need to be able to connect to this REST API on your network

    • e.g. “

    • The Content Manager REST API should be running over HTTPS, although there is support for HTTP.

  • T4S Server Address

    • This is the externally available T4S Server domain name, including the web service name.

    • e.g. “

    • Your network firewall rules should only allow traffic from your Salesforce Orgs to access your T4S Server

    • The T4S Server domain name requires a valid CA Signed Certificate for Salesforce to be able to connect over HTTPS connection.

  • Record Link IP Address

    • This is the URL that users can click on to download the CM Records.

    • You can enter a CM Viewer web app URL, or you could use your existing CM REST API endpoint.
      e.g. “{0}/File/Document”
      This will cause each user to be authenticated with their CM TRIM credentials before the record is delivered to them.

    • Another option is the Micro Focus Web Drawer which will load the Trim Record into the browser for viewing without downloading the file to the user's desktop.

    • The T4S Server has its own download page if your users are unable to use the options above.
      Use the URL “
      T4S Server default pop-up a page for the user to authenticate against the CM TRIM Server for each record they wish to view.

    • (Options are available for SSO and directly opening Content Manager Desktop App. Please contact us for more details)

  • Record Link New Line Text

    • Deprecated.

    • This field can take characters that can be used to format any text such as the Record Number so it can be used in a URL

  • Record Link Old Text