Container Specification Property Set

Container Specification Property Set

The Container Specification Property Set record contains a set of Content Manager Specifications used for creating and updating Content Manager Containers.

When you create a custom Specification Property Set for you sObject Setting, you are able to pass a list of key → value pairs to the T4S Server.
The values can be simple text, or values pulled from the sObject being referenced.

e.g. A text Property Value for the property RecordNotes could be “Salesforce created Case“
(without the quotes)

A dynamic Property Value uses curly brackets to reference a field from the sObject record.
e.g. “Salesforce created Case {CaseNumber} - {Status}“
(again without the quotes)


Content Manager has a list of published properties and allows Content Manager Admins to add their own custom properties as well.

T4S ships with a default list of Specification Properties that are stored within the “Trim Specification Property“ custom object → “Property Name” Picklist.

If you have created your own Content Manager custom properties that you wish to use, then add their property names to the picklist.


Example Case Specification Property set

An example property set for a Case Container could be created with the following properties.

  • RecordTitle (Specification Property for the Container Title)

    • Property Value could be {CaseNumber}
      Cases do not have a Name field, so the default example Specification Property would need to be modified or a new Property Set created and used. T4S Server will throw an error trying to find the Case field “Name“ which does not exit.

    • Another option for RecordTitle property, is to create a formula field on the Case sObject, that strings together a number of Case field, and then reference the formula field within the property set.
      e.g. RecordTitle property value = {CaseContainerFormula__c}
      Where “CaseContainerFormula__c“ is the formula field.

  • RecordExternalReference (Specification Property for a external Id)

    • e.g. {Id}

    • The dynamic filed will insert the Case Salesforce Id into the Case Container External Id

  • RecordContainer (Specification URI Property for where the Case Container will be created)

    • e.g. {ParentAccountContainerUri__c}

    • This could be a formula field on the Case that is populated with the parent Content Manager Container URI where the Case Container should be created.

    • If RecordContainer specification property is set, then this property value will override the default “Trim sObject Container Uri“ field set on the sObject Setting page.


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