T4S v1.x to v2.x Upgrade Notes

T4S v1.x to v2.x Upgrade Notes

Upgrading from T4S v1.x Salesforce package to T4S v2.x will require a change to the T4S Trim Record sObject picklist values.

This is due to Content Manager changing their own REST API properties internally.

If you are using any of the Content Manager properties within your own code when interacting with T4S public API within the “fuseit_t4s.TrimConnector“ class.
Then you will also need to switch to the new Content Manager property values.

Previously the Content Manager properties started with a lowercase “rec“ as in “recTitle“, “recNumber“, “recContainer” etc.

Now the properties all start with “Record“ e.g. RecordTitle, RecordNumber, and RecordContainer.

Follow these steps to upgrade the Content Manager properties.

  1. Download the new property names that match your Content Manager version.

    1. Content Manager version 8.x and 9.x

    2. Content Manager version 10.x

  2. Within Salesforce navigate to the Setup -> Object Manager → Trim Specification Property → Fields & Relationships → Property Name picklist field

  3. Select the “Actions“ checkbox so that all existing values are selected.
    Except for the “Uri“ value.

  4. Delete all the selected values, and select “Replace value on records with blank value“ for the replacement value.

  5. Select “New“ to add the new Picklist Values.

  6. Open the Excel spreadsheet for the Content Manager version you are connected to, and copy & paste the new list of values into the provided Salesforce textbox, and then save.

  7. Now scan your APEX classes to check if you have any Content Manager properties used in your code.
    Replace any existing properties in the code by replacing “rec“ with “Record“.
    You can use the new list of Picklist Values to check your updated code changes are correct.

Note 1:
If you are using custom code within your Salesforce classes to pass Content Manager Specification Properties to the T4S global API methods, then you will also need to make sure you upgrade the parameters from the older TRIM prametures to the new Content Manager parameters provided within the spreadsheet.
e.g. If you were passing in the parameter “recTitle“ within your code, you would change the parameter to “RecordTitle“


Note 2:

Salesforce T4S package v2.x version of the T4S Salesforce package requires the newer version of the T4S Server application.
Please see the release notes to check if you have the minimum required T4S Server version that will be compatable with your T4S Salesforce package.