Insights: Visitor Controls
The first three buttons on the Insights bar offer controls for Send2CRM testing and setup.
These buttons interfere with the normal operation of Send2CRM for the current visitor. They are intended only for setup and testing.
The Send2CRM website client exchanges visitor data with Salesforce in the background on a regular basis, when required.
This button forces an immediate update to Salesforce with visitor details, with updated personalization in the response when licensed/enabled. This allows more timely testing and demonstration without having to wait for the background process.
End Session
The Send2CRM website client automatically starts new sessions (visits) after a timeout period.
This button forces an immediate end to the current session; further browsing activity will start a new session.
Clear Data
This button will delete all Send2CRM data from the local web browser storage. Subsequent browsing activity will create a new visitor, as if you had never visited the website before.
If your visitor was identified to Salesforce, no Salesforce data will be removed. Depending on your configuration it will be possible to re-identify against the same Salesforce record(s).