Connection settings

Connection settings

Connections have a number of basic settings that control the download process, all of which may be edited via the client application by opening the Connection and expanding the Settings area. Settings are saved immediately via the service.


This shows the base URL of the connection, and the username (if any). Click the Re-authenticate button to supply updated credentials. In the case of a Salesforce sandbox where the Org Id has changed, this will updated the current connection to the new Id.

Download path

Specify a folder where all files for this Connection are placed on successful download, accessible from the service host. The folder browser uses the service to verify which locations are available.

File options: Overwrite existing

If checked then existing files in the download path folder will be overwritten. This may be useful if the same file is updated on a regular basis and you only want the latest copy.

If un-checked, then filename clashes will result in subsequent files using numeric suffixes to ensure uniqueness, _2, _3, etc.

File options: Auto-remove after

Optional feature to enable automated cleanup of downloaded files. Select a time period from the list or leave as (Never) to disable.


Shows whether access to the connection is restricted or not. Click Edit to change the access control list (ACL) for the Connection. Users without permission for a Connection will not see it in the menu, and will be unable to perform any related actions.


Check the box if email notifications should be sent for failures related to this Connection.

Optionally specify a recipient email address to override the default setting.