General Settings

General Settings

All service settings are defined in the appsettings.json file in the service installation directory (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\FuseIT.Downloader\Service). Changes may be made directly in this file and will take effect immediately, or may be edited via the Client application.

Automated download settings

"DownloaderSettings": { "AutoUpdateInterval": 60, "MaximumRetries": 4, "MaxConcurrentDownloads": 3, "MaxDaysToKeepConnectionLogs": 30, "NotifyFailureAfterHours": 24 }
  • AutoUpdateInterval: the number of minutes between automatic retrieval of available files for all connections. Set to 0 to disable automatic retrieval system-wide.

  • MaximumRetries: when a single file download experiences a temporary failure, it will be automatically retried this number of times before being marked as permanently failed.

  • MaxConcurrentDownloads: the number of file downloads that will be started simultaneously. If more downloads are in the queue they will be started once existing downloads complete.

  • MaxDaysToKeepConnectionLogs: Connection log entries may grow quickly depending on the number of downloads available. The log entries will be automatically removed after this number of days.

  • NotifyFailureAfterHours: to avoid excess notifications, they are only sent when a failure is first encountered. If the same failure occurs after this number of hours a repeat notification will be sent.

Email settings

"EmailSettings": { "EnableEmailNotification": false, "MailFrom": "", "MailTo": "", "MailServer": "", "MailTlsRequired": true }

Configure these settings to a valid mail server accessible from the service host, and set EnableEmailNotification to “true” to enable notifications to be sent via email. This may be useful for receiving error notifications where the service is unattended.

Note the MailTo recipient email address is a default system-wide value, this can be overridden per Connection.

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