S4S Licensing


A licensing error is appearing in the Sitecore log file:

6860 10:20:02 DEBUG FuseIT.Sitecore.Salesforce.Licensing - Config Org Key [FHtLLoeQ90RLqUkdvC8ngI+N/ERi5=] is _NOT_ applicable to generated Key[5ezH...tG0=] for Org Id [00DB0000000Z7mnPZM]

6860 10:20:02 DEBUG A.c38dbb57954f06861d318b743081127d8 - Build version 17031 from FuseIT.Sitecore.Salesforce, Version=1.81.17031.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

6860 10:20:02 DEBUG FuseIT.Sitecore.Salesforce.Licensing - License Expired on 3/3/2018 12:00:00 AM for Salesforce OrgType:Enterprise Edition

6860 10:20:02 ERROR Error: FuseIT.Sitecore.Salesforce.Licensing - Your FuseIT S4S license has expired


Quick Check
  1. You need a new license key
  2. The license file is in the wrong location 
  3. In a CD/CM situation, the license has not been copied across
  4. A load balancing server does not have the license
  5. The Salesforce Edition has been changed
  6. The wrong log file is being examined
  7. The log file has been modified

About the Log File

This log tells us the following:

  • The log4net logging level is set to DEBUG or ALL. This is necessary to see this level of detail
  • The license key that S4S is looking to match is 5ezH...tG0=. It cannot be found in that license key
  • The license file contains only one license key FHtLLoeQ90RLqUkdvC8ngI+N/ERi5= 
  • The log says S4S is trying to connect to Salesforce OrgId 00DB0000000Z7mnPZM, which is not matched
  • The Salesforce Edition is "Enterprise"
  • The S4S version is 1.81.17031.1

About the Error

The following conditions can lead to this error:

  1. The required license key is missing. In the example, this is a license key starting with 5ezH and ending with tG0=
  2. The wrong license file is being found. Check the S4S license is at the same location as the Sitecore license file (the one being used - see below). 
  3. You have CD/CM servers and the license has only been updated on one of them
  4. You have load balancing and the licenses on all the servers have not been updated
  5. Something has changed, like your Salesforce Edition has been upgraded to Unlimited Edition
  6. The log file is not the correct log file
  7. The log file has been edited to remove the missing licensing keys

If your license file includes the correct key, please check the file location is correct. The S4S license is located with the Sitecore license which is pointed at by Sitecore configuration. The pointer is located within the Sitecore section, in either your web.config or, sitecore.config file which can be found in the webroots App_Config folder.  After you have found the Sitecore section, you should see a property called dataFolder which is the location where the licenses are located:

<sc.variable name="dataFolder" value="C:\somewhere\Website\Data\"/>

Finding Scattered Licenses Files

Another approach is to use the command prompt to find where all your license files are:

  • Go to command prompt
  • Go to directory <website>\app_config
  • Execute this command   findstr /s /c:"FHtLL" *.*
  • [note that the license key string search above is case sensitive]

This should search all files in the app config directory for the license key that is showing in the log file and may help you identify other license files.

What it Should Look Like

Correct S4S licensing should look like the following in the Sitecore log file:

6860 10:20:02 DEBUG FuseIT.Sitecore.Salesforce.Licensing - Config Org Key [xePd6MJcYUMvybyDrcWqJiyqzLQ=] is _NOT_ applicable to generated Key[5ezH...tG0=] for Org Id [00DB0000000Z7mnPZM]

6860 10:20:02 DEBUG FuseIT.Sitecore.Salesforce.Licensing - Config Org Key [jOWC+mcCMQhNLmgA1JoTcBLdfoA=] is _NOT_ applicable to generated Key[5ezH...tG0=] for Org Id [00DB0000000Z7mnPZM]

6860 10:20:02 DEBUG FuseIT.Sitecore.Salesforce.Licensing - Config Org Key [xqdXHC48xSGGHHTXVZhRgN9kMlA=] is _NOT_ applicable to generated Key[5ezH...tG0=] for Org Id [00DB0000000Z7mnPZM]

6860 10:20:02 DEBUG FuseIT.Sitecore.Salesforce.Licensing - Config Org Key [KvROMRjui3b4yJ2fiIBvVMssmAE=] is _NOT_ applicable to generated Key[5ezH...tG0=] for Org Id [00DB0000000Z7mnPZM]

6860 10:20:02 DEBUG FuseIT.Sitecore.Salesforce.Licensing - Config Org Key [S77bONk1xKVYQPeKoX132CVRkgk=] is _NOT_ applicable to generated Key[5ezH...tG0=] for Org Id [00DB0000000Z7mnPZM]

6860 10:20:02 DEBUG FuseIT.Sitecore.Salesforce.Licensing – License found for Config Org Key [5ezHgFJHgDE5FKv/hgf33MXqtG0=] for Org Id [00DB0000000Z7mnPZM]

The Order of License Keys

The order of keys in the license file is not critical but it is a good idea to have the frequently used key first. When S4S finds it, it stops looping through the remaining keys. Sandbox keys should generally be last as performance is usually not an issue in Sandboxes.

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