Configuring the Membership Provider Account Lookup
Add the following element to the system.web » membership » providers section of the web.config file:
<add name="salesforceAccountLookupProvider" type="FuseIT.Sitecore.SalesforceSecurityProvider.SalesforceMembershipProviderAccountLookup, FuseIT.Sitecore.SalesforceSecurityProvider" connectionStringName="S4SPersonAccountConnString" objectApiName="Custom_Registration__c" userNameFieldName="Name" passwordFieldName="Password__c" isEncryptedFieldName="PasswordHashed__c" requiresQuestionAndAnswer="true" passwordQuestionFieldName="Password_Question__c" passwordAnswerFieldName="Password_Answer__c" lastLoginDateFieldName="Last_Login__c" accountLookupFieldName="Person_Account__c" emailFieldName="Person_Account__r.PersonEmail" commentFieldName="Person_Account__r.Description" isMultiRole="true" readOnly="false"/>
You may change the attributes’ values or use the default values (the attributes are not specified). The table below explains every attribute of this provider definition:
Attribute | Optional | Default | Salesforce field | Description |
objectApiName | no | The API name of the Salesforce sObject type with a lookup relationship to an Account | ||
commentFieldName | yes | The API name of a custom field that will populate the membership user comment. Maybe a relationship field. | ||
accountLookupFieldName | yes | undefined | The API name of the field on the sObject configured in objectApiName that is a lookup relationship to Account | |
cacheDurationInSeconds | yes | 60 | How long the short term entity cache should hold a record. |
The remaining configuration items are described in Standard Membership Provider Attributes