Salesforce Platform Encryption

Salesforce Platform Encryption

Send2CRM includes limited support for encrypted fields on standard and custom objects used as the target for form mappings.

Matching encrypted fields

Where an encrypted field is mapped with Inbound Mapping: Matching key, it can no longer be used to query records in the usual manner. In this case Send2CRM falls back to a search (SOSL) query instead of a standard database (SOQL) query. This has some limitations:

  • Only certain fields are available to search. If a mapped key field cannot be searched then existing records may not be found.
    SOSL field documentation

  • SOSL queries cannot include child relationships. In the case of re-identification (e.g. an anonymous website visitor submits a form that finds an existing Lead with an existing related Visitor record) this will incur an additional SOQL query that counts toward limits.

Field accessibility

Salesforce permission restrictions for viewing encrypted data still apply. An API proxy service may be required to perform Send2CRM calls in authenticated mode.


Send2CRM assumes that encrypted fields always contain sensitive data. Thus any personalization specified for encrypted fields will be ignored, no values will be returned to the client.

Send2CRM objects

Send2CRM does not support encrypting fields supplied with objects in the managed package, for example Visitors and Sessions.