Capturing Form Submissions

Capturing Form Submissions

The Mapping Wizard includes a handy feature to capture any form submission so you can use the values to populate your mapping.

Normally Send2CRM will not accept unknown, i.e. un-mapped, form submissions. However using this functionality, any single submission may be captured for use in the Mapping Wizard.

The Mapping Wizard will capture any single submission, including those for known/mapped forms. Submissions captured by the Mapping Wizard are not processed in any other way.


Click the Capture Test Submission… button. A popup dialog will appear.

Switch to the website running the Send2CRM client, and submit an attached website form. The Mapping Wizard will capture this form submission, close the dialog and display some additional options on screen.

If you’re not ready to capture the form submission just yet, click Cancel and everything will return to normal.

Form Identifiers

The Send2CRM service needs a unique way of identifying each form. Ideally this would be using an id attribute on the form element, but the Send2CRM client also selects other potentially useful attributes of the <form> element and sends them with every submission.

When a submission has been captured, additional options are added to the Form Identifier dropdown.

Make sure the identifier is unique, or the mapping could apply to forms it shouldn’t!

Form Fields

A captured form submission also provides a pre-populated list of available fields, with sample values.

This can be useful where form fields do not have human-friendly names, and generally speeds up the process of mapping.

Fields not present in a captured submission may still be mapped by manual entry. Select the Data accessor option in the Form field list. Fields not present on submissions are ignored unless configured as Matching Key.

Save for later

Captured form submission data is added to the mapping record. Save the mapping to store this for future editing without the need to re-capture the form submission.

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