Create a new Person Account

Create a new Person Account

When Person Accounts are enabled in Salesforce, these operate by combining both an Account and a related Contact record. Salesforce will automatically generate the Contact record if you set the LastName field on the Account and provide the correct RecordTypeId.

Account account = new Account(); account.InternalFields["FirstName"] = "John"; account.InternalFields["LastName"] = "Smith"; // The RecordTypeId can be set directly to a known Id, or... //account.RecordTypeId = "<PersonAccountRecordTypeId>";   SalesforceSession salesforceSession = new SalesforceSession(new LoginDetails("username@example.com", "salesforcePassword")); AccountService accountService = new AccountService(salesforceSession); // ... the correct RecordTypeId can be retrieved via the AccountService. var personAccountRecordType = accountService.RecordTypeInfosById()? .Values.FirstOrDefault(rti => rti.developerName.Equals("PersonAccount")); if (personAccountRecordType != null) { account.RecordTypeId = personAccountRecordType.recordTypeId; var saveResult = accountService.Insert(account); string newAccountId = null; if (saveResult.success) {     newAccountId = account.Id; } Assert.IsTrue(accountService.ValidEntityId(newAccountId)); }



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