Salesforce Message Notifications

Salesforce Message Notifications

The Send2CRM Messenger package can automatically raise notifications for new conversations when configured.

  • Only users assigned to the Send2CRM Messenger User permission set are notified.

  • Notifications are only raised for new conversations, as defined by messenger settings.

If the website visitor has been identified against another record, e.g. Lead, the name of this record will appear in the notification.

Click the notification to open the messenger visitor page.

Custom notification actions

Notifications are triggered by publishing a send2crm__s2cAutomationEvent__e platform event where Event_Name__c = 'S2C_MESSAGENOTIFY'. The Event_Data__c field contains JSON-encoded arrays of the relevant record Ids:

{ "msgIds": [ '(send2crm__s2cWebsiteMessage))c.Id)' ], "msgVisitorIds": [ '(send2crm__s2cMessageVisitor__c.Id)' ] }

Use a Flow or Apex trigger to react to new platform events in the same manner as Automation Events. For example, send an email when new conversations are initiated out of hours.