Messenger Package Settings
The Salesforce package includes a Custom Setting named Send2CRM Messenger Config. The org-wide values are used to apply some basic configuration.
Setting | Default | Description |
Client Max Age | 60 | Maximum number of days old messages that should be returned to the website client on update. Messages older than this are retained, but not included in personalization data. |
Client Max Count | 50 | Maximum number of messages to include in personalization data returned to the website client. If the number of messages stored exceeds this number, the newest up to this maximum are included. |
Online Activity Timeout | 10 | The number of minutes since last session modification that a user is considered to be actively online when logged-in to Salesforce. This would normally be considerably shorter than session timeout, and is used to indicate to website clients that a user is online to receive their messages. Caution: do not set too short as Salesforce does not reliably update session activity. |
Business Hours |
| Optional. Specify one or more (comma-separated) Business Hours record Ids to determine when Salesforce users are available to receive and reply to messages. To create new Business Hours, go Salesforce Setup, Company Settings, Business Hours and create New Business Hours. When finished, get the Busines Hours record Id from the browser URL e.g. 01m2w000000tzQI |
Offline Message |
| Optional. Set an offline auto-reply message for outside of business hours. Use "{next_available}" token to automatically insert start of next business hours. |
Notification Title |
| Optional. Set a title for new messenger conversation notifications. Blank to disable built-in notifications. |
Notification Text |
| Optional. Set message text for built-in notifications. If present {visitor_name} token will be replaced with the visitor name. If blank, the visitor name only will be used. |