Multi select picklists

Multi select picklists

The Send2CRM service automatically maps multiple value fields to multi-select picklists.

For example, the website has one checkbox form field with three options:

This appears in the mapping wizard with both individual and overall field selections. Choose the overall field with the “(Multiple values [n])” label to automatically apply all values submitted.

It is also possible to pre-format a string using the Salesforce picklist separator (semi-colon), e.g. Value1;Value2;Value3.

Add to Picklist

To add one or more values to a multi-select picklist for an existing record, select Add to Multi-Select Picklist for the Inbound Mapping setting.

This will retain any existing selection in the field, and add new values from an array or string form field. At this time, it will not delete Salesforce picklist values that are not selected on the web form.