Create a Case
A website with the Send2CRM client installed and configured.
A form on the website with the following fields:
Create mapping
Create a new Send2CRM Mapping in Salesforce. Set the Mapping Name to something meaningful, and choose Case from the Salesforce Object dropdown.
Click Save Changes to generate the mapping. After saving click the Capture Test Submission… button, then submit your website form.
Set the Form Identifier from the list, and click Save Changes again.
Map fields
Unlike the Lead mapping, we don’t use a Matching key field here. A new Case will be created for every submission.
Create a field mapping for each of the Salesforce fields to your corresponding form fields:
Web Email
Web Name
Create field mappings with literal values:
Status: New
Case Origin: Web
That’s it! Each time the website form is submitted, a new Case will be created.
Relate to Contact
To automatically find or create a Contact record and relate to the Case, create another mapping for the same form identifier.
The Contact mapping may relate to website visitors, or it may stand alone for each form submission.
Set the Sort Index for the Contact mapping to 1, and for the Case mapping to 2.
Map the Case Contact ID field to Contact.Id.
See the Campaign Subscription and Form submission for identified visitors only examples for more details and alternative ways to go about this. Just substitute Lead for Contact, and Campaign Member/Task for Case.