

The S4D Save To Dynamics submit action can be configured to run only when a set of field conditions are met. This allows the submit action to apply based on the form submission values.

Possible use-cases include:

  • Do not run a secondary submit action to create a related entity if the key was not returned from the first. e.g. the example above might be for creating a Task after creating or updating a Lead, this will only occur if the Lead id was successfully returned.

  • Map different Dynamics 365 entities depending on form choices.

  • Only a subset of form submissions should create or update Dynamics 365 entities.

Multiple conditions are allowed with OR/AND matching.

Field operators

If a field is missing expected condition operators, you may need to add Allowed Types in the Sitecore tree. Go to System > Settings > Forms > Meta Data > Conditions > Operators, and choose the operator to allow. Under Editor Settings, locate the field type and add it to the Selected list.