Network settings and security

Network settings and security

The Downloader service listens for network connections from Client applications, on localhost:5005 by default. For those who wish to make the service network-available, this setting can be changed in the appsettings.json file in the service installation directory (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\FuseIT.Downloader\Service).

"DownloaderSettings": { "ServicePort": 5005, "ListenAddress": "localhost" },

Change the ListenAddress to an externally accessible IP address (or hostname that can be resolved to an IP address) for the host to make the service available on that interface, or set it to “*” to make it available on any interface. All connections are SSL encrypted.

Settings other than “localhost” require an Enterprise license.

The ServicePort setting can be altered to any available port to suit your installation. Note that firewall settings are not adjusted automatically, a rule may be required to make the service accessible.

Similar to the following:

This can be restricted to certain IP addresses and certain profiles as suits your environment.

Restart the Downloader service after changing these settings.



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