Custom Identification Object

Custom Identification Object

The Send2CRM service allows identifying visitors via Lead or Contact records by default. It is also possible to use another standard or custom object as a master record for identified visitors.

First, add a new lookup field to the send2crm__s2CVisitor__c object.

  • Open the Object Manager in Salesforce and select the Send2CRM Visitor object.

  • Click Fields & Relationships, then New.

  • Choose the type Lookup Relationship.

  • Select the object to relate to, and click Next.

  • Enter the label and description as desired. Do not make the field required.

  • Click Next, set field level security as desired, Next, Save.

Once the lookup field has been added, a corresponding option will appear Identification Lookup setting in the Mapping Wizard.

Each form mapping may use a different Identification lookup if desired. A visitor may be related to multiple different master records.

If you’d like to automatically delete Visitor records when the master record is deleted, add an after delete trigger to do so.