Custom Form Validator

Custom Form Validator

Example validator class for custom Salesforce form validation.

/** * Custom form validator example. */ // global access modifier so the class can be accessed outside the namespace, i.e. within the send2crm package. // inherited sharing as this will be called via anonymous endpoints in the public API Site. global inherited sharing class MyCustomValidator implements send2crm.FormValidator { /** * Perform custom validation. * @param data The parsed form object with field values. * @return True if the form should be processed, false to cancel. */ public Boolean isValid(send2crm.FormData data) { // Check a submitted form value. Object myValue = data.getFieldValue('myCustomField'); if (myValue instanceof String && (String)myValue == 'valid') { return true; } return false; } }

Add custom validator classes to the Validator (send2crm__Validator__c) picklist on the send2crm Mapping object to make them available in the mapping wizard dropdown.