General settings

General settings

Error emails

The Save To Dynamics Submit Action will attempt to send error emails if a fatal error occurs during form submission. This requires:

  • Mail server settings are set up correctly in Sitecore.config.

  • The following settings in S4D.config:

<sitecore> <settings> <!-- Enable sending emails on Save To Dynamics Submit Action errors. --> <setting name="FuseIT.S4D.ErrorMailTo" value="admin@example.com" /> <setting name="FuseIT.S4D.ErrorMailFrom" value="sitecore@example.com" /> <setting name="FuseIT.S4D.ErrorMailSubject" value="S4D Save To Dynamics failed" /> </settings> </sitecore>

Scheduled metadata refresh

S4D includes a task that can be scheduled to refresh cached metadata files at regular intervals. This can be enabled by un-commenting the relevant line in S4D.config:

<sitecore> <scheduling> <!-- Refresh Dynamics metadata on schedule. --> <agent name="S4DRefreshMetadata" type="FuseIT.S4D.WebToDynamics.Tasks.MetadataTasks" method="RefreshMetadataFiles" interval="12:00:00"/> </scheduling> </sitecore>

Adjust the interval to suit your needs. This will process metadata files for all S4D connections in ConnectionStrings.config. The refresh task outputs log messages showing the last refresh for each connection and any errors encountered.

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