M4S Synchronization Sitecore Agent - S4SCachingScheduler

M4S Synchronization Sitecore Agent - S4SCachingScheduler

A custom Sitecore Agent is used to trigger the synchronization process. The configuration for this can be found in the S4S.Caching.config file which will have been added to the App_Config/Include folder of the website. The default configuration will appear like the following:

  <!-- Trigger the M4S Schedular to synchronize records -->
  <agent name="S4SCachingScheduler" type="FuseIT.M4S.Sitecore.Agents.Synchronization" method="Run" interval="01:00:00"></agent>

Synchronization Times

By default, the agent is set to run every hour, but this value can be adjusted as necessary.


It is important to note that individual Salesforce Objects will only synchronize to a minimum time interval that matches the 'interval' attribute of the S4S Caching Scheduler agent. I.e.:

  1. If Salesforce Contacts are scheduled to synchronize every 10 minutes, but the S4S Caching Scheduler is set to run every hour, then Salesforce Contacts will effectively be synchronized every hour.

  2. If Salesforce Contacts are scheduled to synchronize every 2 hours, but the S4S Caching Scheduler is set to run every hour, then Salesforce Contacts will effectively be synchronized every 2 hours.