AppSetting Examples

AppSetting Examples

All the details required for the application to run will be specified in this section of config file.

SMTP Email details:

<!-- Used to describe the name of the System in Email headers-->
<add key="SMTPEnvironmentName" value="SDDMS_Admin"/> 

<!-- change to enviroment name to identify emails-->
<add key="SMTPServerName" value=""/>

<!-- Add user name and password SMTP server needs it -->
<add key="SMTPPassword" value=""/>
<add key="SMTPFromEmailAddress" value="developers@fuseit.com"/>
<!-- Add the email address of recipient -->
<add key="SMTPToEmailAddress" value="adim@xyz.com"/>
<!-- If you want the log messages to be emailed set it to true -->
<add key="emailLogMessages" value="true"/>

Specify the the emailing details in this section.

Add another recipient after a semi-colon in SMTPToEmailAddress field:

<!-- Add email address of more than one recipient -->
<add key="SMTPToEmailAddress" value="adim1@xyz.com; admin2@xyz.com; admin3@xyz.com"/>

IMPORTANT: This is a required field.

DataExport Location:

<!-- Location to store and retrieve DataExport zip files -->
<add key="DataExportPath" value="C:\DataExport"/>

IMPORTANT: This is a required field.

Salesforce Entities:

<!-- Which entites to be generated/ Leave out to generate all entities -->
<add key="entities" value="User, Document, Folder, Case, CaseStatus, Asset, Contact, OpportunityContactRole, Campaign, CampaignMember, Lead, LeadStatus, Opportunity, OpportunityCompetitor, OpportunityStage, Contract, ContractStatus, ContractContactRole, Approval, Attachment, Account, AccountContactRole"/>
<!-- When set to false only those entities specified in the "entities" key will be generated.
When set to true all entities except those specified in the "entities" key will be generated -->
<add key="excludeEntities" value="false"/>


Schema Information:

<!-- Set it to true if you want to pull schema information while DataExport-->
<add key="pullSchemaInfo" value="true"/>


Backup Folder Limit:

<!-- Set the limit of back up folders -->
<add key="backUpFoldersLimit" value="2"/>


Use Data Cache:

<!-- use the schema information from the file stored while DataExport to generate database-->
<add key="useDataCache" value="true"/>


To use file stream:

<!-- SQL Server 2008/2012 FileStream -->
<add key="useFileStreamForAttachments" value="true"/>
<add key="baseFileStreamTarget" value="C:\SDDMSFILES"/>

If you want to use file stream to store files in SQL.please make sure you have enabled FileStream in SQL server.

To enable file stream on SQL Server, please follow the steps given here.


<!-- If a CSV file in the DataExport doesn't have a corresponding Salesforce object should a table be created and populated in SQL? -->
<add key="CreateTablesFromCsvAlone" value="false"/>

<!-- If a column from a CSV file in the DataExport doesn't have a corresponding Salesforce object field should a Column be created and populated in SQL? -->
<add key="CreateColumnsFromCsvAlone" value="false"/>