Dynamic Web Application

Dynamic Web Application

The Dynamic Web Application consists of two parts.

  1. Web Site interface using the ASP.NET Dynamic Data Framework that users can view, create, update or delete data that was previously stored within Salesforce.
  2. A custom Entity Data Model that is based upon the Salesforce schema.

ASP.NET Dynamic Data

ASP.NET Dynamic Data provides a framework that enables functional data-driven application, based on the Entity Framework data model.
It also adds great flexibility and functionality to the DetailsView, FormView, GridView, and ListView controls in the form of smart validation and the ability to easily change the display of these controls using templates.

Dynamic Data is part of the .NET Framework version 4.0 release.


 Custom Entity Data Model 

  • As the new SQL Database which is based off the Salesforce schama, and populated with Salesforce exported data is rather large and complex, a custom Entity Data Model (EDM) and Generated Views are created. 
  • The EDM defines data in a neutral format not constrained by the structure of programming languages or relational databases. The EDM schema is used to specify the details of entities and relationships and to implement them as data structures. 
  • An EDM design schema defines the structure, semantics, constraints, and relationships of entities in the domain of an application. 
  • In the EDM implementation of object services, the conceptual schema is mapped to another schema that contains metadata describing the storage model, usually tables in a database. 
  • The conceptual schema is used to generate the classes of a programmable object model that will be used in application code. 
  • The conceptual schema and storage schema are also used by the Entity Framework to validate, query, and update application data at runtime.