Status page

Status page

The S4D status page is available to Administrators and Developers at /sitecore/admin/S4DStatus.aspx. A link is provided in the Control Panel under Administration.


Information relevant to the Sitecore and S4D installation. Please provide version numbers when corresponding with FuseIT support.

Configured connections

This section is repeated for each S4D connection string. Any connection errors encountered or License problems are highlighted.

Note the Refresh button on the Metadata row - click this to download a new copy of the Dynamics 365 metadata file if your schema has changed.

General settings

Relevant site-wide S4D settings are displayed here, with errors highlighted.

Forms using S4D Submit Actions

If you have begun to add S4D Submit Actions to your Sitecore forms, each form that uses one will be displayed here. The links take you to the Form Builder.


Useful links to FuseIT support resources, including this documentation.