Creating an Instance of the GenericMongoService
The GenericMongoService object provides access to the cached data as well as the Salesforce API. It is used in a similar way to any of the S4S services that inherit from the FuseIT.Sitecore.SalesforceConnector.Services.SalesforceServiceBase abstract class.
The GenericMongoService class has 2 constructors:
GenericMongoService(SalesforceSession session, string objectType)
This constructor requires a SalesforceSession object and a string description of the Salesforce SObject that it is dealing with e.g. "Contact", "Lead", "Account", etc...
//Create an instance of GenericMongoService to work with Saleforce Lead data using a SalesforceSession GenericMongoService service = new GenericMongoService(SessionTest.GetActiveSession(), Lead.SFType);
GenericMongoService(string objectType)
This constructor requires a string description of theĀ Salesforce SObject that it is dealing with e.g. "Contact", "Lead", "Account", etc. The SalesforceSession is not set in the constructor when you only require read/write to MongoDB and rely on the synchronization for reading and writing to Salesforce.
//Create an instance of GenericMongoService to work with Salesforce Lead data using a SalesforceSession GenericMongoService service = new GenericMongoService(Lead.SFType);