Enable debug logging, either site-wide or using specific config.
Status page
TODOThe Sitecore S4D implementation uses built-in Sitecore logging.
S4D includes an example selective logging configuration file that is disabled by default:
To enable, simply rename to S4DLogging.config. All messages with level INFO or greater will still go into the default Sitecore log, however all messages of lower level up to DEBUG will go into custom FuseIT.S4D.log files. Adjust the levels in the config file to suit your needs.
Alternatively, the site-wide log level can be altered by editing the priority in Sitecore.config:
Code Block | ||
| ||
<priority value="DEBUG" />
</log4net> |
Detailed logging is not recommended on a production site for any length of time.
Status page
Check the S4D status page for detailed information on your installation, including information on possible errors.