Info |
This only displays information about the Send2CRM visitor currently associated with your web browser. Data for other website visitors is only available where synced to Salesforce, all other information is stored in the individual’s web browser. |
Property | Description |
Status | Anonymous or Identified. The current state of the visitor; identified visitors are known to Salesforce. |
First seen | The date the website first observed the visitor. |
Visits | The number of distinct Send2CRM sessions recorded. |
Page views | The total count of page loads/views. |
Segments | List of distinct Segment names assigned to the visitor. |
Goals | List of distinct Goal names, with total scores, assigned to the visitor. |
Language | The language code as reported by the visitor’s web browser. |
Country | The country code as reported by the visitor’s web browser. |
Device | The device code as reported by the visitor’s web browser. |
Segments | List of distinct Segment names assigned to the visitor, displayed in a collapsible section. |
Goals | List of distinct Goal names, with total scores, assigned to the visitor. Displayed in a collapsible section. |
Insights data is updated in real time as you browse the website.