Adding Connection String (Pre-Sitecore 9)

IMPORTANT: To meet Salesforce security policies you should:

  • Remove/rename default accounts and change default passwords
  • Encrypt all passwords
  • Implement a robust application password policy
  • Minimum 6-8 characters
  • Combination (2 out of 4) of numbers, letters (lower and upper) and special characters

Add a connection string to the S4S system Web service to the <connectionString> element of App_Config/ConnectionStrings.config

For Salesforce production and developer environments the connection string should look like:

  <add name="S4SConnString" connectionString="S4S:user id=user;password=password;" />

For Salesforce sandbox environments the connection string should look like:

  <add name="S4SConnString" connectionString="S4S:user id=user;password=password;" />

The <connectionStrings> element can have a number of connection strings defined. Each one is defined by the <add> tag. This element has a number of attributes but we use only two: 




The name of the connection string. Any entity using this connection string will address it by this name.


The connection string itself.

The S4S Security Provider module supports the following format of a connection string:

  • Each string starts with the “S4S” prefix.
  • The prefix is followed by the login credentials for the Salesforce partner API.

The login credentials and environment settings are then specified using the following: 



user id

The Salesforce username that will be used to establish the Partner API session


The password for the Partner API user.
If the servers IP address isn’t trusted by the Salesforce Organization being connected to the user's security token can be appended to the password.


(Optional) As an alternative to appending the user's security token to the password in the connection string, it can be defined separately to provide the same functionality.  Learn more about how to reset and get your security token.


(Optional) The type of Salesforce environment being connected to. Defaults to Production if unspecified which will also work for developer edition organizations if required.

Possible values:

  • Production
  • DeveloperEdition
  • Sandbox
  • Pre_release

Example connection strings:

S4S:user id=<user_name>;password=<user_password>
S4S:user id=<user_name>;password=<user_password><user_security_token>
S4S:user id=<user_name>;password=<user_password>;token=<user_security_token>
S4S:user id=<user_name>;password=<user_password>;environment=<binding_environment>

The connection string can optionally define the environment to be connected to by appending the following:


Permitted values for the binding environment are one of the following four strings or an endpoint url:

  • Production
    connects to (Default)
  • DeveloperEdition
    connects to
  • Sandbox
    connects to
  • Pre_release
    connects to

The binding environment can also be the string required for the Salesforce API endpoint change on 1st of January 2016.  

Next Step

Configuring the Partner API Web Service (Pre-Sitecore 9)
